Project Leader, Researcher
2013 - ...
She received her bachelor degree in architecture from Middle East Technical University, Department of Architecture in 1999; her graduate degree in architecture from the same department in 2002 and her PhD degree from Gazi University, Department of Architecture in 2008. She wrote her master thesis titled “Reading Manfredo Tafuri: Architecture and Utopia Design and Capitalist Development”, which was awarded with Master’s Thesis Award in Architectural History, and her PhD thesis titled “Reading J. G. Ballard in the Intersection of Architecture and Science Fiction”. She was in charge as a part-time instructor at Gazi University, Department of Architecture between 2003-2004. She was faculty member at Izmir University of Economics, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design between 2004-2014. She was the Vice Dean of Faculty of Fine Arts and Design at this university between 2009-2011. She is currently the department head at Yaşar University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and vice director at Graduate School.
Her research interests include history and theory of interior architecture, architecture and furniture design; history of tourism architecture in Turkey in the 20th century, and literary spaces. She has been a member of DATUMM (Documenting and Archiving Modern Turkish Furniture) team. Her papers (with the co-author Gökçeçiçek Savaşır), entitled “A Pioneer in Tourism and Architecture: TUSAN” and “Uludağ Grand Hotel” received the Best Interdisciplinary Research Award and Anatolia 25th Year Special Award respectively.